Technorati up with a new look

For finding other blogs that link to yours, there are few places better to search than Technorati.

Resplendent with a brand new look, the Technorati beta provides tracking of "1,941,975 weblogs watched and 257,138,195 links tracked", according to the site information.

A brand new feature for blogs that are included in Technorati, is the following web search option for blogs:

"Want to know what's being said, right now, about every Weblog or Web page that has something worth talking about?"

"Type in a url, keyword or phrase above and search the World Live Web."

If your blog isn't listed on Technorati, be certain to include it.

Surf over to their sign-up page and enter the URL and title of your blog.

With the blog link tracking service, Technorati will keep you informed of which blogs are linked to yours.

Get listed at Technorati today.
