Viral Marketing: Add more readers

Viral marketing is a great way to add visitor traffic to your blog.

What? You have never heard of viral marketing? And no, it's not a sick marketing plan. Of course, it could be, but that's a story for another day.

What viral marketing does is to get other people to help you with your marketing. It's an idea based on sharing a good idea with others. If you like a product or an idea, you send it to your friends. In it's simplest form, those jokes that get forwarded to all of your friends via e-mail, is viral marketing.

In a brilliant twist on the preponderence of quizzes that appear on most blogs, the always interesting Sugarmama created the What type of blahblah are you? quiz.

As a viral marketing effort, the Blahblah quiz was a resounding success. As a result of the quiz, Sugarmama received some brand new visitors. She also discovered many regular and even first time readers were posting the quiz on their blogs.

That is successful viral marketing.

The What type of blahblah are you? quiz has brought new readers, by successfully spreading the word about the Sugarmama blog, to an entirely new audience.

As a marketing tool, the concept of viral marketing can be used successfully by your own blog too.

Sugarmama created a quiz, as a spin off of the many blog quizzes that appear. They are a proven viral marketing technique for blogs. I have even recommended adding quizzes to your blog, as a fun way to attract readers.

Perhaps you have some ideas that will spread around the blogosphere yourself. If you do, you will add new visitors and links to your own blog.

All that is required is a bot of thought. Ask yourself what you would send to your friends or reprint on your own blog.

You may have cool photographs, or funny jokes or riddles, or even a series of questions for other people to answer.

The possibilities are endless.

They are limited only by your imagination.
