Blog Chamber of Commerce: Can it work?

Blog Chamber of Commerce

A few days ago, I wrote about the possibilty of some enterprising blogger forming a Blog Chamber of Commerce.

The purpose of the Blog Chamber of Commerce would be to help organize business, marketing, public relations, economics, human resources, employment, and other related blogs into a mutual assistance and promotional organization.

Since I first wrote of this potentially powerful marketing device, a few bloggers have mentioned the idea on their blogs.

Will Pate of Will was hoping for more information on the concept. I took that to mean he wanted to see some nuts and bolts. I hesitate to say that he thinks the idea is just nuts, but I digress.

The ever creative marketing mind of Trudy Schuett of WOLves expressed a strong interest in developing the idea further.

I see the organization working along the lines of starting out as a membership group. Each blog joining the Blog Chamber of Commerce would have a button on their blog, linking to the main membership. Perhaps the various member blogs could link to one another as well.

Helping one another, with individual blog promotional and marketing efforts, would certainly be a part of the plan. The overall Chamber of Commerce could be marketed and promoted as well.

Forming an alliance for furthering the cause of business blogging, in all of its forms and variations, provides a solid service to the business community. One way to help the internet business community is by promoting the use of blogs.

We know that a blog component helps a business and their internet website achieve higher search rankings and higher traffic volumes.

Blogs within the Chamber of Commerce alliance would also work, to further the cause of business and entrepreneurship, as a viable career option.

By working together to help one another, and to assist the internet business community as a whole, the Blog Chamber of Commerce would provide a valuable service through the advocacy of blogging.

Working together to achieve our personal goals, and those of the online community, is a worthy cause.

Now all we need is a linking button.
