Blogs and search engine relevance

The most recent Google results, whether involving incoming links, Google PageRank levels, or positions in the search engine results pages (SERPs), there is one common denominator.

That similarity lies in the value that Google is placing on theme and topic related content. The watchword of the day, in the land of Google, is relevance.

The Google algorithm, which is the mathematical calculation that determines a site’s position in the search results for any given keyword or phrase, has been revised to stress the importance of relevance.

That importance not only affects the search results that are found in the SERPs, but in Google’s PageRank and link valuation formulas as well.

With the need for more relevant content and linking partners, website owners are looking for a possible solution.

The requirements for help include theme and topic relevant content and linking partners who are also theme and topic related. While there are several ways to achieve relevance, one such method is adding a blog component to your website.

Blogs are regularly updated postings of information, usually related to the theme of a website, and includes incoming and outgoing links on the same topics. Once thought to be merely online journals and diaries, blogs have moved far beyond the personal realm and into the world of business and information.

Blogs are becoming an important component in many business owners’ toolboxes for marketing, public relations, and search engine optimization.

Businesses in almost every industry can benefit from the blog boost in the search engines. There is little doubt that all websites will receive a healthy injection of relevance, simply by posting regularly to a business blog.

Since the posts will be on topics, related to the overall website theme, and incoming links will arrive from similarly themed blogs, relevance is an obvious and natural result.

In the early days of the internet, it was thought that related sites would link naturally to one another. Little thought was given to placements in the various search engines at first.

It was generally agreed, that good content would attract natural related incoming links, from similarly themed websites. In fact, what was being described was what is currently happening with blogs.

Blog posts are generally written on one, but just as often on two, three, or even more related topics. If the topics are not related, they become so by virtue of there being a large number of posts on those formerly unrelated topics.

On occasion, the unrelated topics will even appear in the same post. The important aspect of the blog is the overall development of powerful theme relevance.

Bloggers are also free and generous linkers.

By regularly linking to interesting blog posts, bloggers provide value to their own readers, by offering them the best of other bloggers. These added incoming links provide additional Google PageRank, as well as boosts in the search engine rankings from the link.

The clickable links are often rich, in the receiving blog’s most important keywords, and are contextually surrounded by theme related content as well. This combination of strong link anchor text and theme relevant content gives the blog exactly what the search engines are seeking.

The Google algorithm could have easily been written with blogging in mind.
