Put a laugh in your blog

Blogs can be funny.

Blogs don't always have to be serious.

Of course, I'm not really one to take my own advice as I post about dry as paper (or is dull as dishwater?) topics like search engine optimization.

Even the topic is boring.

It needs livening up, like resurrecting some long since embalmed Mummy of some ancient Egyptian Pharoah. Make it interesting like a tour of King Tut's treasures.

If you add a light hearted touch, and even a few laughs to your blog, your regular readers will appreciate the change of pace. If nothing else, a funny post once in awhile will keep you interested in blogging too.

I could say a humourous post, from time to time, provides a post topic when you can't think of anything to write. We won't say that out loud, so no one will ever know that you are not a bottomless wellspring of brilliant thoughts and ideas.

Some people would make the case, that baffling the readership with fancy footwork, will do as well as a real post. Maybe some day I'll try a soft shoe or tap dance around the blog.

You should too.

If you ever need a post inspiration, without the proverbial 90% perspiration, write about something funny that happened in your job or business. For that matter, anything humourous or offbeat in your personal life will serve the purpose just as well.

The point of the humour is to inject some personality into your blog.

By writing something funny that happened to you, especially if you were the cause, then so much the better.

Your regular readers will appreciate your sparkling personality shining through, set apart from the regular information on your blog.

Think humour, and have some fun with your blog.

If you have a bad day, a joke or two might be just thing to cheer you up.

It will also work wonders for your readers.

Laugh a little.

Blogs aren't all about serious information.
