Blog tours as an educational event

Blog tours.

That sounds like one of those "if it's Monday, it must be Scotland" type of whirlwind tours (not to be confused with whirlwind romances, which might make for a good story another day).


A blogger needs to read many blogs in a day. Whether by visiting the blogs live and in person, or by way of an RSS feeder, a tour of the thoughts and ideas presented by other blog writers, is a valuable use of time.

You simply can't keep up with the latest developments in blogging by simply reading your own blog.

I know. I know. Some bloggers are always up to date, or even well ahead of the date.

No...not that kind of date.

By reading many different blogs, and exploring many different points of view on business related topics, some new ideas can take root. Those fresh concepts can help in your own blogging in general, and your own business or career in particular.

For blogging purposes, the more blogs a person reads, the more ideas for blog postings appear. After all, one of the most common problems facing all bloggers is what to use for a topic.

Even the best bloggers have problems finding topics for posts, from day to day.

A blog tour of other great bloggers and their writing can solve that lack of post ideas problem. Of course, it then opens up a new and different problem of too many posting topics.

You will discover many interesting blog posts, that scream to you to link and write about them, and the ideas presented. There is definitely no shortage of worthwhile posts, needing you to sort out the sheer volume of selections, for the day.

We can all live with that problem though.

As well, reading other blogs can lead to many new and previously undiscovered blog gems. I have often written about how I like to randomly click on unknown blogs on other people's blogrolls.

It's fun in a fresh discovery kind of way.

Occasionally, the practice is extremely rewarding as a truly superior blog is discovered at the other end of the click.

I am always struck with the "how did I miss that blog before" slap up against the side of the head feeling, on those magical occasions.

In any case, take a tour of the many bloggers on your own, and on other people's blogrolls. Imagine a voyage from one random blog to another to another. See how soon you discover a blog that links to all of your personal favourites as well.

Make the blog tour a regular weekly game.

You will never be short of blogging ideas, or posts for linking and discussion.

That time spent blog touring just made blogging easier and much more fun!

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