Blogathon for tsunami relief January 20

Tsunami relief is one place where bloggers can make a real difference.

Well known Australian blogger Darren Rowse of Pro Blogger will be doing his part for the victims of that terrible disaster.

On January 20, Darren will be participating in a non-stop 24 hours of blogging, in a real Blogathon, to help raise money for tsunami relief.

Darren plans two write 100 posts in 24 hours, so he will be busy.

He is looking for pledges, donations, paid advertisements, and whatever you can do to help:

If you want to make a donation per post, per word, per cups of coffee drunk, per use of the word ‘cactus‘, per comment left on the site over the 24 hours or per anything at all (or just a one off donation) just let me know or do it directly by using the ‘make a donation’ button in the right hand sidebar. I’m also still selling text links on the blog sidebar for $40 (US) (or more) a pop.

Here’s another idea - how about you commission a post on a topic of your choice? Remember I’ve only got 15 minutes for each post (plus I need to eat and toilet myself occasionally) so don’t make it too big a topic but name your topic and how much you’ll donate if I answer it and I’ll do my best!

Aid funds raised will be sent to the tsunami relief agency Tsunami Appeal under the auspices of The Oak Tree Foundation.

I authorized Darren to use any of my posts as starting points for links and comments should he be short of ideas.

Be sure to drop by the Blogathon today, and tomorrow, and pledge your support.

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