In that scenario, the blog serves as a client and customer magnet, attracting business as a result of the image and impression created through the blog posts.
The company image and the personal impression, developed through the blog should be positive messages. The goal is to appear personable, yet professional and capable of getting the job done.
The use of a blog for professionals, including lawyers, real estate professional, finance and market analysts, accountants, computer and technological experts and other computer related businesses is ideal. As a means of placing a real person in those often intimidating professions, there is little that can surpass the power of a business blog.
In my areas of search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM), I can discuss the various aspects of the process and the goals of both practices.
Search engine optimization and marketing are, in their most basic sense, attempting to provide a website with greater visibility. Instead of letting a business be placed in the vast internet ocean of sites, the search engine optimization professional attempts to find that site like a ship on radar. Instead of being lost at sea, the website becomes easily located in the search engine rankings.
Search engine marketing is simply a series of ideas and methods of developing more sales from a website via the internet.
My preference with my clients is to provide easy to understand, yet very powerful and effective concepts, for both SEO and SEM. I like to demystify the process and help the client to fully understand what we are trying to accomplish. Through our combined efforts, we are able to achieve greater success.
My blog is a powerful magnet for many SEO and SEM clients.
After all, what better advertisement for the power of blogging for a business, than having your own blog as a demo.
I am sure that your blog gets you extra business as well, regardless of the industry.
Blogs build business, the fun and easy way.
That is how I like to work.
By making it all fun and enjoyment.