Unemployed? Here is some help

Many very talented people are facing unemployment this year.

As a result of many differing economic forces, people have found themselves out of work, often through absolutely no fault of their own.

We want to get those people back to work as soon as possible.

All that's needed is a little help.

My friend, the very wise David St. Lawrence of Ripples, has written a must read post on getting back on the career path.

Written with honesty about the situation, and a genuine empathy with and concern for the person, David provides his usual sage advice.

Get networking! Talk to people.

David says:

If you are going to get a job and you were not top of your class from a nationally recognized university majoring in whatever is hot, hot, hot today, you will probably get your job through the recommendation of a friend, an acquaintance, or someone you just met at Starbucks or the neighborhood bar.

It doesn't matter where you find this person, what is important is that they know someone else who could use your services. It may take several tries, but you will find a job, when you do, through a referral. Not to knock headhunters, as I have known and used them, but for most of us the route to employment is through personal contacts.

Talk to everyone who you know, from family members to friends to business associates and former co-workers, to anyone and everyone you meet. You never know which key will unlock the door.

Try them all.

You will get a job if you are seeking one.

Your talent and desire won't keep you without employment for long.
