Trudy Schuett talks blogging at The Blog Herald

Blog interviews are fast becoming a major component of many leading blogs.

They are starting to appear everywhere in the blogging community.

One of the leading proponents of the interview technique for blogs is Yvonne DiVita of the must read Lip-Sticking blog. If you haven't discovered her wonderful blog, dedicated to marketing to women, it's about time that you did. You've been missing out on some valuable marketing insights.

Each week, Yvonne conducts a Smart Woman or a Smart Man interview with a leading blogger; or with a business person who has used the power of blogging to enhance their online or offline business.

Well, the blog interview is expanding in scope, and in numbers of bloggers utilizing the technique.

Another tremendous and highly informative blogger interview made its appearance in the blogosphere today.

Duncan Riley of the valuable blogging news blog called The Blog Herald, has posted an e-mail interview with blog evangelist Trudy Schuett of WOLves, Food Basics, DesertLight Journal, The God Blog, Yuma Tech Consortium, and at least 4000 other blogs.

Well, okay, maybe only 1000 other blogs.

In any case, if you have missed reading any of Trudy's wonderful blogs, you are missing much of what is happening, in the way blogs can be used.

Trudy is always willing to experiment with new blogging styles, blog hosts, and concepts. The positive results she has achieved, in using blogs as a writer marketing tool, speak for themselves.

Trudy has proven, beyond any doubt, that the possibilities for blogs are unlimited.

Trudy is an unabashed proponent of blogs in all of their countless varieties. Her support ranges from the business blog for pure profit to the online diary for only friends and family.

And every other blog type in between.

Trudy discusses how she became obsessed :-) with blogging.

I love this form! Next to book-length fiction, this is my favourite kind of writing. More people are reading my work than ever before, even when I worked in hard copy. I have a lot of interests, and they’re so disparate it would be a real mess if I tried to get it all in on one place. Blogs give me a way to reach out to a variety of audiences.

She provides her well thought out reasons for supporting professional blogging.

Even the finest artists, sculptors, and writers have electric bills and other expenses, and very often they make money pursuing their craft. So there isn’t any reason why bloggers should be any different. Having no money associated with a project does not necessarily assign it nobility.

Those are only a sampling of the information provided by Trudy Schuett.

In fact, her advice for new bloggers portion of the interview, while too lengthy to quote here, is worth the click all by itself.

Thanks to Trudy for mentioning Blog Business World in her interview. I have been working with Trudy on a few projects, and continue to do so.

I am honoured to count Trudy Schuett among my many blogging friends.

Now, get over to The Blog Herald, and read and re-read Trudy's wonderful interview about the power of blogs.
