Carnival of the Capitalists is up and running

That weekly travelling roashow of business, law, and economics, better known as Carnival of the Capitalists has just set up the big top, at my friend Richard Stokes' highly informative Startup blog.

Richard is hosting a great lineup at this week's edition of Carnival of the Capitalists.

Featuring posts, from some of the internet's finest bloggers, there are selections from the worlds of marketing, economics, global economics, and law.

Be sure to keep checking back at Startup because Richard has more post entries arriving at the last moment.

I have an entry this week. My "Links vs. Content: They both count" is included for your perusal.

Next week, Carnival of the Capitalists sets up the tent at my friend Anita Campbell's informative Small Business Trends.

If you wish to send an entry to an upcoming edition of Carnival of the Capitalists, simply e-mail a favourite post to capitalists -at-

They also have a mailing list to keep you up to date on where and when the Carnival of the Capitalists is coming to town.
