Keywords: Is your blog in the search engines?

Do you ever want to know, how your blog or website is ranking for your most important keywords, in the major search engines?

You can find that information with a one stop Keyword Verification checker at Marketleap.

Many of you may already be using Marketleap for their well known Link Popularity tool.

You can also use Marketleap to check your keywords in ten major search engines including Google, MSN Search, AOL Search, HotBot, and ALtaVista.

Simply enter your blog URL address into the space provided. You then put your choices of keyword phrases you want to check into the search box. The Keyword Verification will tell you if your blog ranks in the first three pages in each search engine.

You may rank on page one in MSN Search, but not in the first three pages in Google for example.

What the keyword results tell you is where you are doing well. You also learn where you need to add more keyword rich content to get better placement on some other search engines.

The solution is usually to add more posts, that contain your most important keywords, to your blog. In other words, write a few more posts on your favourite topics.

My chosen keywords usually are well ranked on Google, as that is the search engine I optimize for, as a general rule.

Good search engine placements on the other search engines usually follow a bit later as their search engine robot spiders are not always as active as Google.

Keep posting good strong keyword rich content, and you will rise in the search engine rankings.

Good content, coupled with a strong linking strategy, will propel your blog to the top of the search engines.

You can keep checking Marketleap occasionally, and watch your blog soar.
