Search engine questions answered

Many of my readers write to me with various questions about search engines, linking, and blog promotions.

I am very happy to answer your many questions on any subject relating to search engines, search engine optimization, Google, Yahoo, and getting more visitors to your blog.

Whether you want to know more about Google PageRank, or what search terms will help people find your blog, I can help you.

Simply e-mail your questions to

Don't worry that your question is "dumb".

I want to make one thing very clear.

When it comes to discussing search engines, there are no questions that can be considered bad ones.

They are all important.

In fact, most people are completely unaware of what search engines do at all.

Everyone has questions about them.

Even the experts!

Often, you simply type your search terms into the little search box, and some listings pop up. They didn't arrive there by magic.

The pages returned on the search engine results pages (SERPs) were ones that met the requirements of the search engine's computer formula. Sometimes, that involves more than simply posting on your blog.

The search engine computer program is called an algorithm. In the case of Google, for example, about 100 different variables are taken into consideration as to which pages appear on Page One of the results. They also pertain to the results on Page One Hundred.

Many of the variables include on page keywords in the written content, incoming links, the link anchor text (the words that appear on the clickable link), the Google PageRank, the blog's title tags, and so on.

One thing I will never tell you is how to do things that are considered dishonest or unethical. I only recommend what the search engines suggest in their own guidelines.

Good SEO is NOT unethical.

Many of you will have questions on increasing your number of visitors to your blog.

First of all, most bloggers want more visitors or "hits".

Do not ever feel bad about that at all. Some people think it is a bit underhanded.

It's not.

It is merely promotions, publicity, and marketing. There is nothing wrong with any of those things.

I will always point you toward free (as in no cost), and relatively simple ways to get more traffic.

I will also show you, if you want, some more complex marketing and promotional techniques.


My e-mail is

Ask away!
