Carnival of the Capitalists time again

Once again, the big top of the ongoing business and economics series Carnival of the Capitalists, rolls into town.

This week, the big tent is pitched at Brain Brew Radio Blog, where you can peruse their great hosting of Carnival of the Capitalists at your leisure.

Included this week are blog posts from some of the leading business, legal, political, and economics bloggers on the internet.

I have an entry in the mix this week as well.

My rather lengthy (some would say long winded) post on posting on internet message and discussion boards as a way to promote your blog appears this week.

It's entitled "Blog promotion: Message boards".

Be sure to cruise on over to Carnival of the Capitalists at Brain Brew Radio Blog and read away.

There are so many good posts to read, you'll be lost at the Carnival of the Capitalists for hours.
