Blog topics: How to find them

Finding blog topics is a universal problem for most bloggers.

Or rather, it's the lack of them that's the problem.

Do you experience that sudden panic that you have "nothing to blog about"?

Do you feel that you are somehow letting your loyal and faithful readership down?

Are you desperately searching through notes, looking for an idea, any idea, to write about?

If you answered Yes to one or more of these questions, then here is some help for you.

First of all, stop worrying. The worst that can happen is that your blog will have a day without a post. Your readers will understand and return the following day.

Contrary to popular opinion, the sky will not fall on your head.

Take a trip through your blog links and read a few of your favourites. Right off the bat, a few blogging ideas will present themselves. You can either link to another blogger's post, and comment upon it, or you can use that concept as a springboard in an entirely fresh direction.

If you link to a blog post, or borrow an idea, be sure to link back to their blog. Give every idea creator their dues.

If you are a member of internet forums, and if you read my columns daily, you probably are a member of a few. Check out their popular discussions, and turn the ideas into a blog post of your own.

Be sure to credit anyone's ideas that you select for use.

You may have had some events take place in your life, or in your local community, that scream to be blog posts. Answer the yellings in your head, and post on the subject.

If you have read any books, a review makes a wonderful and popular posting idea. Be certain to link to the author's site as a courtesy.

Perhaps a news item or television program caught your fancy. Or not. Television shows, whether good or not so good, are ready made blog columns.

Write down a list of ideas as they occur to you. Keep a pencil and paper handy. Call it your blog post idea vault. You will require and use every idea some day.

I guarantee it.

Don't worry about blog post ideas.

They will bombard you from every direction.

All you have to do is catch them.

And write your columns.
