Carnival of the Capitalists takes to the air

Usually, the business travelling road show, known to one and sundry as Carnival of the Capitalists keeps its tent firmly pegged to the ground.

This week's edition, bears the title of Carnival of the Laissez Faire Capitalists is given a definite air and space treatment by host Martin Lindeskog of EGO.

Generously supplied by Martin, with a gift snack of kettle corn, I'm ready for the EGO Carnival.

As usual, the entries are superb, as expected from many of the leading bloggers on the internet.

Topic areas include Blogging For Business, Marketing and Sales, Business, Management, Capitalism and Entrepreneurship, Economics, The Market, and Taxes and Regulation.

As I try to always do, I have an entry included in this week's EGO Carnival.

My Blog Business World entry is entitled "Blogs Build Google PageRank".

If you are interested in having a post in next week's carnival, and I know that you are, simply e-mail your entry link, along with a brief description of the article, to:

capitalists -at-

Next week's Carnival of the Capitalists will pitch its tent at Peter Caputa's up and coming pc4media.

Now, with my gift of kettle corn in hand, I'm off to the EGO Carnival.
