Bloggers dating bloggers

It's time for a little fun in the blogging world.

There are many single bloggers in the blogosphere.

Considering the fact, that there are millions of blogs, the odds would favour large numbers of blog owners being unmarried.

Enter the idea of matchmaking for bloggers.

Canadian blogger Carrie of Life or Something Like It...Boo has suggested the concept of a Blog Dating Service.

It seems that idea is sprouting wings everywhere.

I suspect that since June is a traditional wedding month, that may have much to do with the interest.

Of course, as an unmarried guy, what do I know about such matters???


Mrs. Du Toit of Personal Effects (via Will at Entropy Manor) has begun a mission, as she calls it, to find a mate for uber political blogger Stephen den Beste of the formidable USS Clueless.

Mrs. Du Toit sets out the requirements as follows:

She'll have to be of child bearing age--with enough years to have about a half dozen kids.

She neglected to tell Stephen about her mission too!

Be certain to read the often hilarious suggestions and recommendations in the accompanying comments as well.

As most of us already know, Jay and Deb Solo of the well known and high quality dual writer Accidental Verbosity, are a happy blogger marriage.

Their blog meeting and subsequent knot tying, has proven to be a resounding, and joyfully multiplying, success!

There are likely hundreds, if not thousands, of potential blogger matches out there in the blogiverse.

The logic is certainly in place for a Blog Dating Service.

You take bloggers with similar interests and backgrounds (and no, I am not convinced about that opposites theory), and voila!

Blogger matches everywhere!

All we need now, is for some enterprising blogger, to create a system for matching up the numerous single bloggers.

That matchmaking blogger would be providing a wonderful service.
