Bloggers help others

Jennifer at Drink This is a very special person.

She is generously participating and donating her time in the Project Blog Blogathon.

On July 24, Jennifer will blog every 30 minutes for 24 straight hours as her part in the Blogathon. She is raising money for an organization called Bresee Foundation.

Jennifer chose the Bresee Foundation because:

...they make a direct impact in my community and provide services that many think are or should be provided by the government. As one might imagine, I don't buy into the theory that the government exists to solve all of our social problems. I also don't believe in the government's ability to efficiently do so. I do however, believe in the desire and deftness of regular citizens to directly impact those in need among us.

I respect what Jennifer is doing for this community based organization as she would only work to help a group she supports wholeheartledly.

Jennifer recognizes that people in need often simply need a helping hand so they can get started on their way. With just that little boost, people can become self sufficient and achieve their hopes and dreams.

Not too long ago, Jennifer was in financial need herself. I asked my readers to provide Jennifer with some monetary assistance or employment opportunities to help her through those difficult days. Many of you responded generously to help her out at that time.

I am asking all of you to support Jennifer and her chosen organization, the Bresee Foundation, in the Blogathon.

I look forward to Jennifer providing us all with 48 wonderful posts, in the fine tradition of Drink This, in a 24 hour time frame.

For more information on Jennifer's blogging efforts, check out her post where she shares all of the details as to how you can help.

I hope you will help Jennifer have a successful 24 hour Blogathon.

Please pledge generously.
