Blogging the e-mail

Do you receive inboxes full of e-mail about your blog?

I know that I do.

I'm not talking about spam either. What I'm referring to are e-mails from your readers.

I like e-mail from my blog visitors. By far, the vast majority of my e-mail is positive in tone. Even most of my critics are polite and constructive with their suggestions.

Some of my best column ideas have been written as a result of e-mails from my readers. Being a helpful kind of guy, I write what people tell me they want to read.

As bloggers, we get feedback from our readers through our e-mail and our commenters. Some bloggers have added forums to maintain even more contact with the blog guests.

Over time, we develop a strong rapport, and often good friendships, with many of our readers. Often, that friendship started with an e-mail about a blog post or link.

Bloggers who send me e-mails, regarding posts or comments or links, are guaranteed to have me visit their blogs on a regular basis. While I am a voracious blog reader at the best of times, my e-mail friends are certain to get their blogs placed at the top of my reading list.

I recommend sending e-mails to other bloggers, as well as posting comments on their blogs. An e-mail provides a different level of communication from a comment. Both are great to receive, but in different ways.

Perhaps, it's the fact that an e-mail is private, while anyone can read a blog comment.

I am always pleased to receive an e-mail from any of my readers.

Even from the people who don't like my blogs at all!
