Bloggers interviewing bloggers

You see them on many of your favourite blogs.

A blogger will interview and seek opinions, from other knowledgeable and respected bloggers, on a few or many topics of interest to the blog's readership.

Occasionally those interviews will be non-blogging business leaders too.

The important factor for the successful interview, is the dialogue between people, that also draws in the readers.

Many such interviews, discussions, and seekings of opinions and ideas, are conducted by personal instant messenger or by e-mail.

The participants have usually never met in person, but share much in common, by being brought together by blogging.

In that sense, blogs bring people and ideas closer together. In the pre-internet and pre-blogging days, many people believed their opinions and ideas were unique.

They were often ridiculed for their thoughts and ideas, and made to believe they were the only ones who held such beliefs about the world around them.

Well, no more!

Now like minded people are getting together through the power of the internet, and especially through the magic of blogging. They are finding they were not the only ones with those non-mainstream ideas.

Whether those ideas were related to business, politics, or any other topic imaginable from hobbies to the Moon, there is a blogging community of like minded people out there in the blogsphere.

As you look over your own blogrolls and links directories, you will notice many new friends, and people who think as you do. You will also find some people who hold differing viewpoints from yours.

The value of blogging also brings disparate ideas and opinions together. As with uniting those with similar ideas, blogs create an open dialogue with those who might hold views different from yours.

The important thing is the talking, communication, and reading of one anothers' ideas. Often the points of view are not so far apart as initially believed.

Sometimes, a common ground is discovered, leading to a better and fresher understanding of business, politics, law, and everything else imaginable.

Blogs create open dialogue.

It's not surprising that bloggers have started to interview one another.
