Blogs need marketing too

Do you practice blog marketing?

Do you promote and publicize your blog as much and as often as you can?

If you don't, perhaps it's time to start some real blog marketing activities.

I fully understand that many bloggers are not really concerned with having a lot of visitor traffic arrive at their sites. That is their choice and their right. On the other hand, it's nice to know that a few new readers are discovering your words of wisdom (or even slightly less than wisdom).

If you want to increase your visitor traffic, to your website or blog, you have to market it.

There is simply no other option.

Make certain that your blog is listed in all of the available free blog directories. There are many good ones where your blog should be listed.

They include:

Blog Search Engine


Eatonweb Portal

Blog Universe




Globe of Blogs


Online Marketing Links

Weblogs Compendium

Octopus Files


Open Weblog Directory

The addition of your blog to the various blog directories, will not only add visitors to your blog, but improved search engine rankings as well.

The Google algorithm (the computer calculation used to decide where your site will be located on the keyword search returns) places heavy importance on backlinks. Directories are considered very important backlinks.

Along with the exclusively blog directories, are such mainstream and important directories as The Open Directory Project (ODP), better known as DMOZ.

For more information on getting your blog or website into the DMOZ Directory check out my feature SEO Chat article on getting listed in the DMOZ Directory.

You can also market your blog by trading links with other bloggers. Find blogs (using the various blog directories) that are in your area of interest. Read the selected blogs over for a few days to a couple of weeks. Don't simply go by the title or by one day's posting.

Get the feel of their blogs and their writing. Link to a few of their articles. Add a link to their blogs. Since they are bloggers of interest to you, and your readers, suggest a link trade with them. Many bloggers will be more than happy to exchange links with you.

A little used blog marketing techniques is writing articles for various website publications. Your writing is your best marketing vehicle. People reading your articles and ideas, on various topics, will get the feel for your thoughts and concepts. Many of them will visit your blog for more of your writing.

Some blogs accept guest bloggers on their sites. If another blogger asks you to provide a guest column, do so. You can help their blog, by providing them with a new voice (and maybe a day off from blogging!). You can both add some of each others' readers as well.

Sharing works!

Participate in internet forums on your topics of interest. Most forums and message boards let you place a link back to your blog in your "signature file". That is your own little ad for your blog, found at the end of all of your posts.

If you become a forum poster, don't do it to just talk about yourself and your blog. Help others. Answer their questions on various ssubjects openly and honestly. You will be rewarded with some added visitors.

Remember as well, many forum posts are counted as backlinks to your blog by Google, further adding to your listings in the search engine results.

Market your blog to increase your visitor count, your search engine rankings, and your number of incoming links.

It's your product.

Market it like one!
