Year end blogging reviews of 2003 begin

Blogging Ambassador extrordinaire Trudy Schuett has already started the parade of year end blogging reviews of 2003.

In her post Once and Future Heroes 2003, she names bloggers and blogging supporters who she calls,

"a list of people who are doing good things for the Internet, for blogging, and helping those of us who are slightly tech-impaired to do our thing online. You may or may not have heard of some of these people...

"The Internet is no longer boring or exclusionary thanks to these people! You probably have your own list of heroes..."

Along with notable bloggers like Doc Searls, Dan Gillmor, Chris Pirillo, and the Instapundit, Glenn Reynolds, are some other well known individuals.

I subscribe to Ann Handley's newsletter, from the superlative marketing and business site Marketing Profs. There is a wealth of knowledge on that site that everyone should read. Every time I go there, I don't learn a single new thing. I learn hundreds of ideas!

I also receive a newsletter from the veryknowldgeable and helpful Debbie Weil. It's great to see her make the list. She certainly deserves it.

Bloggers made news in 2003, and Trudy's list includes many of those who made it happen. A glaring omission from her list, of course, is Trudy Schuett herself. Understandably, she is too modest to include her own name.

So....I'll do it for her.

Trudy Schuett belongs on any list of influential bloggers for 2003, or any other year for that matter!

I was excited to see a couple of friends of mine make this prestigious list.

Loren Baker of the tremendous blog directory Blog Search Engine, and the great blogger's discussion forum Blogger Talk, made the list.

Also included was Dougal Campbell, inventor of the wonderful one stop blog pinging tool Blog Service Pinger. I have mentioned this tool, for letting everyone know about updates to your blogs, on Blog Business World in a previous column.

I also have a permanent link to Blog Service Pinger on my Resources list.

Oh, I made Trudy's list too.

I barely belong as a footnote, but I am honoured and pleased to have been included with the giants of the blogging world.

I feel like Gulliver in the Land of the Giants, Brobdingnag, in Gulliver's Travels, in such illustrious company.

Oh, by the way, the link to the book Gulliver's Travels, lets you read it online for free.

Despite being one of the truly great books in the English language, you still didn't actually expect me to suggest paying for Gulliver's Travels, did you?
