[grid::brand] Branding your blog: three ideas

Your blog can become a recognized brand name website.

You simply have to treat your blog the way any company would consider handling their major name brands. To most company's their brand reputations are one of their most important properties.

Your blog should be considered as your personal brand, on the internet as a whole, and on the blogoshere in particular.

Your blog is your product. How can you turn it into a name brand?

Use your blog title as often as possible.

Your blog's title is what most people see on the various links lists and blogrolls around the internet. You want people to recognize your blog title, as a heading a quality website, packed full of interesting and informative reading.

The title of your blog may be all a first time reader has, to use as a judgement call, on whether or not to click on your link. You have to create reasons for that click to happen. A good informative title is one way to do that. If your main topic is part of your blog's title, people will have an idea about what to expect.

Should your title have little relationship to the blog's subject matter, make it an interesting one. A compelling and memorable title, will go a long way, toward enhancing your readership.

When you post on various internet forums, be sure that your blog title (rather than your blog URL) appears on your signature line. People are more likely to click on a title, than on a long URL.

A title is much more inviting and friendly than a URL, especially one from from a free blogging hosting service.

Write top quality posts all of the time

Every time you post to your blog, do your best to create interesting and informative posts. Make certain that you link to interesting sites and articles. Always try to provide a bit of insight into your linked articles. Your readers will appreciate seeing your ideas on the subject.

Remember that consistent quality is a hallmark of a good brand. Note that McDonalds, for example, strives to have its food products taste the same, no matter where in the world you order them. Your blog requires the same level of quality control.

A series of bad posts can ruin your blog's reputation as a worthwhile brand. On the other hand, writing top quality articles will help to establish your blog as a solid brand name. The word of your blog, and its brand name, will spread as a result.

Be a regular poster to your blog

Nothing says a blog quality quite like regular posts. If you maintain a blog, try to add new articles on a very frequent basis. Daily blogging might be too much for many people's busy schedules. Should that be the case, you should try to at least update a minimum of three to four times per week.

Frequent posting, creates a brand reliability, that is important for your blog's reputation. Should you habitually update infrequently, your blog's brand image may suffer a setback.

As a branded product, your blog can become a household word among your readership.

Don't jeopardize that trust your readers have in you and your blog.

Note to my readers:

Today's blog on brands is my contribution to a [grid::brand] internet wide blogging effort.
