Blog content: your blog type

What type of business blog are you writing?

You could one of the online journal bloggers, who keeps a daily online diary of your daily business and home activities. Your company and personal lives may be so entwined, as there may not be a discernable difference. Perhaps your personal life events help to put your work life into perspective.

Perhaps you maintain more of a filter type blog, where you provide a lot of links, to other great blog posts around the internet. You spice the links up (or not) with some of your own commentary. Your readers will enjoy reading your take on the opinions and ideas of other noted writers.

A third type of business blog, may be what amounts to daily essays and articles, on various topics and issues. Instead of relying heavily on outside blogs for linkable posts, you write almost all of your own material. It turns into an essay blog. Your readers will turn to your blog specifically for new ideas and thoughts about business issues in general, and your area of expertise in particular.

A business blog can also contain elements of all three types of blogs, creating a fourth or hybrid blog. While perhaps being more of an online journal, or maybe a more essay oriented blog, the elements of all types of blogging practices are present.

Some days you write about your personal life, on others you compose a longer post about a topic you know well. On another day, you may link to and comment on some other blog articles you read yourself. The blog becomes all three types of standard blogs.

So what does all that have to do with you?

I'm glad you asked that question, despite my heavy hinting!

Your own business blog has to feflect your own personal style and voice. It is not a good idea to copy the format of your favourite blogger. Their technique and writing style is theirs. It's not yours.

Develop your own blog, your own way.

That doesn't mean you can't borrow some good ideas from the best bloggers on the internet. Strong and proven concepts are easily transferrable to your own articles and posts.

You simply don't want to be a clone blog. Instead be your own blog.

Find your own method of posting. Your writing and ideas should be from you. Even if you rely heavily on a filter blog, your own comments and reactions to the articles are equally important, if not more so to your readers, as the well known A List famous blogger your are referencing.

Your regular readers are visiting your blog because they value your opinions and insights.

As time goes on, and you become more comfortable with writing your own daily posts, your own writing will become stronger as well.

Trust me on that one!

Practicing writing will make you a better writer stylistically. It will also make your analysis and opinions stronger journalistically. The more you write, the better you'll write.


Which ever style business blog you choose - personal journal, filter blog, essay blog, or hybrid bog - make the voice your own.

You alone make your business blog say something meaningful.

Soon people will be linking to your articles and blog.

You might not be A List, but it's better than being No List!
