In both cases, you likely feel the need for more visitors to your blog.
If you think not enough people are reading your blog, you need to increase your visitor traffic levels. After all, you want everyone to read your brilliant posts, right?
Well, here are three ways to give your blog visitor counter a quick jolt.
Post messages on forums.
All you have to do is find some message forums that are related to your field of interest. If you are writing a travel blog, enter "travel forums" in your favourite search engine. Several good forum options should appear in the returned search results.
Go to a few that you find informative and read around a bit. Join a couple of the forums, that you find interesting and are of value to you, as a member.
Be sure to check out two things before joining any forum.
A forum must be indexed by the search engines, particularly by Google. If it's indexed, your posts will appear as backlinks to your site, raising your blog's ranking in the search engines. You can gain search engine traffic as a result.
A forum must also permit the use of a signature file. By creating a signature, that includes your blog URL, you have a link that brings forum members back to your blog.
In your member profile, be sure to use a "signature" that includes a link back to your blog. Make certain the signature appears on all of your postings. Without that link, no new traffic can fnd you.
In a few days, your visitor counter logs will show traffic originating from your forum posts.
Place your link on your e-mails
When you send out any e-mails, either personal or business, be sure to add a link to your blog to each and every one of them.
With a quick and easy to click hot link back to your blog, many of your e-mail recipients will drop by for a look. While not everyone will check out your blogging activities, a few will. Another source of new visitors has been added, with minimum effort.
Tell everyone you know about your blog
When you go out for business or pleasure (and leave your computer behind)suggest to everyone you meet to visit your blog.
This old fashioned networking technique will bring a fresh batch of visitors to your blog. As you become more comfortable with talking to people about your blog, your traffic numbers will take a jump. Many of them will surf to your blog, to read what you have to say.
As you can see, there are a few very quick and easy way to get a boost in your blog's visitor traffic.
These three quick and easy methods of adding visitor traffic will pay off very quickly. You should see a new group of readers in just a few days.
By carrying out these very simple methods, you can double or triple your visitor totals in a week.
Don't forget to keep your posts interesting, informative, and up to date.
You want those new visitors to keep returning for more!