Business blogs and your independence

I'll bet you never thought of it this way.

A business blog helps your business declare its independence.

Because of the ease of writing and publishing a blog on the internet, the blogger is no longer in a dependent state. Their company webmaster, or the other various company departments, no longer serve as gatekeepers for spreading the word.

In the early days of the internet, companies were urged to "get online" and establish an "internet presence". Part and parcel with that move to the internet, was the addition of a technically capable webmaster, to code the web site.

While many webmasters are very competent at their job, of coding and web design, they are not always proficient at marketing, public relations, or search engine optimization.

Often they will insist on their special design for a web page, regardless of whether or not it helps market the business and its products. Concerns about building the best possible site for gaining high Google, and other search engine rankings, are often not even considered.

By self publishing a regular (at least three times per week) business blog, there is no need to wait on anyone else to post your thoughts. The talents of the webmaster can be put to better use in adding more pages of content to your regular company web site. The blog adds even more content to the web site, resulting in a rise in the search engine rankings.

Google loves more fresh content.

If your webmaster services are subcontracted out, by the time or by the job, you'll save money too!

Most companies have public relations departments, who funnel corporate communications through their offices. A steady stream of press releases and media contacts are their regular output. Often their turnaround time is not optimal for breaking news.

A daily blog entry can cut through that time lag, reaching customers and suppliers in an instant. The weblog post has the advantage of being seen as written by a "real person". The blogger's words are not filtered through committees, various departments, and edited to homogenized flak. That may increase your credibility factor with the media.

By establishing a company blog, the business can still reach the media for press coverage. In fact, the unfiltered blog articles might find daily visits from working journalists searching for news items. The blog provides news, in nice easy to digest, bite sized portions.

Business blogs help you to become more independent. You are able to get your message out to your various target markets faster. By not having to request coding help from webmasters, and additional written work from marketing and public relations departments, they are free to do other work too.

That saves personnel, time, and money in both the short and longer terms.

Overall, everyone within and outside of the company benefits.

All because you decided to become a business blogger.
