Finding blog topics

You just sat down at your keyboard.

You opened up your blogging software or host.

Facing you is a blank white posting area. It's staring back at you, like it's taunting you.

You don't have a topic. You lack any sort of ideas to present to your eager visitors.

What should you write about?

There are a couple of solutions for the business blogger, without having to resort to describing you breakfast cereal, or what the dog did that day.

You can search through other business related blogs and find some interesting stories. Place a link to them in an article on your own blog. While the "filter" type blog entry isn't what you are ordinarily writing, it's helpful to add one for your readers, from time to time.

The "filter" type post finds an article of interest to your readers, and yourself (you hope!), at the same time. You link to the article, and comment on it. In your blogging activity, try hard to avoid placing a link without wrting some useful information about the link. A link should be surrounded by your thoughts on the issue. Otherwise, the link is just a meaningless line in cyberspace. In effect, you are "filtering" the link and the ideas it presents, through your eyes and experience.

Another way to write a blog post, when you have no topics, is to discuss an aspect of your business day. By discussing the company issue from a problem, analysis, and solution standpoint, you not only help inform your visitors, but yourself as well.

By writing down your business problems and ideas, you can often find answers to your nagging questions. Ideas will occur to you as you write that were lingering in your subconscious mind. All you needed to do was let them flow into your article. Talk about solving two problems at once!

Write about some area of business that interests you, but seldom is part of your daily work routine. You could discus public relations, finance, or customer service. While they may not be your direct responsibilty, you may find ways that link them in some way to your own department.

If you are involved in marketing, perhaps you could examine its relationship to customers, your co-workers, and other business associates you encounter during the day.

There are numerous ways to create a blog post, even when you think you are lacking a suitable topic for discussion.

After all, didn't I just create article about not having posting topics?
