Bloggers helping bloggers

As we are all too well aware, many people are experiencing difficult financial times at the moment.

Often, through no fault of their own, they find themselves unemployed or in a job that doesn't pay very much. All too frequently, there is too much month remaining at the end of the money.

Occasionally, some bloggers find themselves facing the same shortage of cash.

As bloggers, we have a responsibility to assist other bloggers, by providing a helping hand. Rather than waiting for the all too often heavy handed government, some things are best handled by individual acts of kindness.

Bloggers understand bloggers.

We will do what we can to spread the word about the momentary monetary shortage of other bloggers. If we can find them a job, it's that much better.

You know the old story about howgiving a fish feeds someone for one meal. Teaching the art of fishing feeds them for a longer time, provided the fish are biting. A day out in the great outdoors, just so happens to provide a person with a great stress reliever, as an additional bonus.

Well, okay, I embellished it a bit.


Jay Solo at Accidental Verbosity has mentioned, that highly regarded political blogger Jeff Soyer of Alphecca, has run into a bit of a financial crush.

As with everyone who has had a bit of bad luck, Jeff deserves a helping hand.

Let's give Jeff Soyer and Alphecca our blogging support.

Help to fill up Jeff's Emergency Tip-Jar.
