Clothes to go blogging by

What are you wearing?

I know that sounds like some opening line from a phone sex line (not that I know anything about that. I just heard).

Hey, wait a minute, I might get some Google rankings for the search term: phone sex line.

Talk about a bonus, when I wanted to discuss internet businesses. There's a certain satisfaction and pleasure, from getting some frustrated visitors, thinking this blog might offer advice for operating the aforementioned business.

Never underestimate the value of a handy, and very highly searched, keyword phrase.

I need to get out more...


What interested me was a post, by Florida based blogger Lloyd Lemons of By Lloyd Lemons, regarding the return of the suit to the workplace. That staid and conservative icon of the business world was in a bit of retreat.

Challenged by the idea of "casual Friday" on the one hand, and a youth culture with little concern for the formal suit on the other, the suit was slipping off the rack. Going back into the clothes closet was opening up employees to more sartorial freedom.

One of the major advantages to operating an online business, and maintaining a business blog, the need for being dressed for success is pushed mercifully into the background. Along with the less suited up requirement for men and women, the clothing budget isn't strained either. The alleged necessity for new ties for the men and pantyhose for the women is removed.

Business blogger Elana Centor of Funny Business, touched or perhaps embroidered upon dress codes, in a very humourous post entitled "Open-toed Shoes".

In essence, forget comfort. Wear what top management, cool in their air conditioned corner offices decree. So what if it's hot and humid. It's the Company Policy. Sounds like it should be on dual stone tablets, doesn't it!

Those of us who earn our living from the internet are under no such artifical constraints. I like to be fully clothed at the keyboard. You never know when someone might arrive at the door. That said, I wouldn't doubt that many of the more successful internet business owners wear a bathrobe, as they update their sites.

Comfort works.

I also know form personal experience in business that comfortable employees are more productive. It is sort of logical, I think. If a person is sweltering in the officially sanctioned wool uniform, their work levels will suffer. Their levels of frustration, and concern about The Rules, will rise with the thermometer reading.

As more and more people start their own small businesses, the so-called clothing rules will change drastically.

Comfort will win out. Happy entrepreneurs and and the casually clad staff will make more money, and enjoy one less irritant at the office.

That is what I call dress for success.
