Thinking beyond the grey flannel box

Thinking outside of the box.

I know it's a cliche.

It's probably overworked as one of the dreaded buzzwords and phrases.

You know the ones. They make your teeth grind together every time you hear them. Like fingers on the proverbial blackboard, they make your hair stand on end.

That doesn't make it any less important.

In fact, the only thing about thinking outside the box or pushing the envelope, is that not enough people do it.

Oh yes, they talk about them all of the time.

They are going to even do it.


Well, bloggers are doing things outside of the box every day.

Like a child who had the audacity to colour outside of the lines, business bloggers are cutting right past the traditional lines of corporate communications.

Instead of having to have every word and even every comma, vetted, hashed out, and argued over, business bloggers go directly to the people. Talking straight to the current and future customers blasts right past the old style rigid lines of public relations and marketing.

And you know what?

It works.

It works so well, that businesses are starting to perk up their collective grey flannel covered ears, and are doing a little bandwagon jumping.

Of course, they have to leave those old boxes behind. There is the rub. Those old grey flannel ideas don't take well to changes.

Blogging means changes are being made to the box.

Some business bloggers have even thrown the box away.

Putting that human face on the cold glass and concrete corporate headquarters is good for business.

Modern customers are way too savvy, and much too interested in themselves and their own needs, to care at all about the corporate structure. In fact, many of a company's current and potential customers prefer the old mom and pop style of business.

Well, what do you know. Blogs provide that human face that's been missing all along.

Instead of letting those bottom lines sag, from some solid black to some banker worrying red, it's time to get out of that box.

Instead of the traditional corporate communications and marketing style, speak directly to your customers.

Treat them as your friends and as real human beings.

That's all they ask from you and your company.

Oh, one more thing.

It pays off with long term loyal customers, who will sing your praises to all of their friends and families.

They might also say nice things about your business in their own blogs.

Throw out those old boxes today!
