How important is a blog anyway?

Most of the time...well...okay...almost all of the time, I'm writing about the value and benefits of blogs for businesses, non-profit organizations, professionals, and just about everyone else.

I leave few stones unturned.

I support other bloggers in their efforts as much as I can.

Sometimes, however, we have to step back and examine blogging from another perspective.

David St. Lawrence, of the always interesting and thoughtful Ripples blog, has apparently forgotten how to blog. That is what he is saying, anyway.

Busy from his rapidly growing business, David seems to be feeling the pressure to post on his blog, despite his obvious time constraints.

Should David feel that posting pressure at all?

We have to all remember that a blog is simply a tool. It is a means to reach your goals.

Whether the purpose of the business blog is to support public or customer relations, provide industry or company news, improve your search engine rankings, or simply to interact with the general public, the blog is not the end in itself.

The blog is part of the road to that destination; but only one part.

More important than posting all of the time, is keeping the business running efficiently, and maintaining the company cash flow. The blog can be updated as time permits. Your regular readers, like David's, will understand.

Always keep in mind that like the computer it's composed upon, a blog is still only a tool.

It has more in common with the hammer and saw, than with the finished house.

Keep your blog in its proper perspective, and you will avoid blogging pressure entirely.

The blog posts will be even better as a result.
