Joe Grossberg hosts Carnival of the Capitalists

As the hamburgers sizzle on the coals, and the barbeques heat up for Labour (or Labor) Day, the travelling business show, recognized by one and all as Carnival of the Capitalists, doesn't take a holiday.

The posted meals are great, at the informative political and technology blog, maintained by its namesake Joe Grossberg.

This week's edition of Carnival of the Capitalists features some of the best bloggers writing on the internet today.

Blogging topics presented include entrepreneurship, management, legal issues, transportation, business books, nostalgia, internet commerce, the national and global economies, and buffalo meat. As you would expect from Joe Grossberg, there are political and technological postings everywhere.

As an added bonus this week, there are many newer contributors to the Joe Grossberg hosting, along with many of the regulars you have already met.

It's always great to read and discover the many high quality blogs out there in the blogosphere. We don't always get to them all, and this edition of Carnival of the Capitalists has introduced us to some brand new ones.

As I am always privileged to do, I have an entry in this week's Carnival of the Capitalists as well.

My entry post this week is entitled "Controversial money making ideas for your blog", where I suggest some interesting, if somewhat contentious ways to generate a few dollars from your blog.

If you wish to submit an entry to next week's, or any Carnival of the Capitalists edition, e-mail your entries to:

capitalists -at-

If you are searching for new and exciting ways to expand your blog's readership, you should seriously consider sending an entry to Carnival of the Capitalists.

Merely being included in the company, of the first rate regular Carnival of the Capitalists contributors, will enhance the reputation of your blog.The extra visitors can't sent to your blog won't hurt either!

The growth and staying power, of Carnival of the Capitalists, is beginning to catch the attention of people outside the blogging community. The readership is enlarging, and finding entirely new visitors, every single week.

The visitors aren't only bloggers anymore.

Readership is expanding to include the mainstream media, various government and private organizations, many businesses, and other interested people from beyond the blogging community.

Next week's Carnival of the Capitalists returns to Josh Cohen's always interesting political and economics blog

In the meantime, join the holiday, and take the day off, at this week's Joe Grossberg hosted Carnival of the Capitalists. He is working today, so you won't have to.

You won't want to miss reading any of this week's tremendous entries.

We can all gain a vast amount of knowledge from the many informative and interesting contributors.
