Comments and more comments

Blog comments.

Most blogs have comments, either with the blogging platforms version, or a third party blog commenter.

I am one of the radicals who uses a third party commenter.

The problem, for many bloggers, is getting more visitors to actually leave some comments for others to read.

It's not uncommon to visit a blog and see a week's worth of posts, and no comments made at all.

How do you get more comments?

One proven technique for gaining blog comments is to give them. By posting comments on other people's blogs, many of those blog owners will return the favour.

One thing the blogging concept is about is community. The more you put into creating a social network of bloggers, the more you will receive in return.

On many blogs, the comments section is the liveliest part of the post. Sometimes a post will stimulate a rather lengthy discourse, lasting for weeks, and for literally dozens and dozens of posts.

In effect, a single blog comment can trigger an entire discussion or debate.

I like to post comments at many of the blogs that I visit. Often I will visit a blog, and write a comment to an earlier post, that I had missed at a previous time. I do that for both my regular daily reads, and for some newly discovered blogs.

It's never too late to provide a comment. From a blogger's point of view, that I believe is shared by many others, comments are greatly appreciated. I think everyone likes to think their postings are valuable.

Much thought goes into most blog posts, and often much of the writer's personal life is poured into those expressions of their hearts and minds. It's always nice to know your posting was well thought of by someone.

If a post on a blog touched you intellectually, emotionally, or spiritually, don't hesitate to let the blogger know about it.

By starting a dialogue between people, a blog commenter can be the birthplace of a new friendship.

If that isn't reason enough to post a comment on someone's blog, then I don't know what is!

Happy commenting, everyone!
