Should you do it?
Or should you maintain your employment with another firm, whether public sector, private sector, or non-profit sector.
It's all up to the individual.
Some people are better equipped, personality wise, to be great entrepreneurs. Other people are the ideal employees. Many others fall somewhere in the middle.
Let's consider starting your own business; at least as an option to consider.
While entrepreneurship might not be the ideal career path for everyone, it could be the best hope for a rewarding future.
Regardless of which political party is in power, the employment picture is not likely to be a pretty scene for any one. Politicians of all stripes will try to paint over the bad, and talk up some minor points that are really insignificant for the population as a whole.
In fact, there is little that governments really can do about the ephemeral matter of job creation.
What is happening is that in the short and long term, employment by others is looking much less attractive. It's a given now that most people will have several careers, and multiple employers over their working lifetime. Long gone are the days of one career and a single lifetime employer.
Well, if you are going to have several careers, why not entrepreneurship as one of them.
In the mix of many employers, one could easily be yourself.
It's really not that much of a stretch of the imagination.
Find an unmet need in the marketplace, in an area that is of interest to you. The old saying of doing what you love and the money will follow, is a powerful recipe for entrepreneurial success.
I have written in the past that bloggers are ideal entrepreneurs. I stand by that statement. In fact, I am becoming even a stonger believer in that fact with each passing day. Bloggers will be well served by working for themselves.
Let's consider some possibilities.
If your employment situation was suddenly turned bad, what would be your options?
A minimum wage job, strictly supervised, no benefits, and someone else holding your job by a thread doesn't sound all that enticing. Of course, many such jobs can lead to better things. Many do not.
If you do have a job already, now is a good time to lay the foundations of a private business. Get your entrepreneurial feet wet while still on the job. Whatever you do, however, start and operate your fledgling business on your own time. Don't use your employer's time to do it, however. Maintain your professionalism at all times.
Better than the option, of a possibly dead end job, is to become self employed. Find a field of business you love, and develop a product or service to offer. Find a need and then be the person, or team of people, to fill it.
Don't worry about the money. It will follow if you market your product or service well, and provide that modern day rarity, in the form of excellent customer service.
Work hard to be the best in your niche, in the same way you are striving to be best blogger you can be.
After all, it's better than being underemployed or even without a job entirely.
The future is bright for small business and entrepreneurs.
Like you did with your blogs, get out there, create some business concepts, and think like an entrepreneur.
Find a need and fill it.
The sky is the limit to what you can achieve.