The Joy of....blogging

And you thought I was going to give this post a racier title!

Well, sorry to disappoint you. Again.

One of the hidden facts about blogging in general, and business blogging in particular, is that it's fun.

It's fun to write and pontificate (love that word, so indulge me) on all sorts of things bloggidy. And is bliggody a word?

Well, maybe like bloggidy, it is now.

I can sense a song here somewhere.

Hot bliggody, blog bliggody...

Well, that idea clearly didn't work as I had hoped. I definitely won't be hearing from Ross over at the great House Of Blues business blog anytime soon.

It will be more like, "Wayne, don't give up your day job!"

Well, the joke's on them. I don't have one. I feelance; and no that is not code for unemployment. I used "consultant" for that.

For those of you still not certain if I am posting about blogging or about the joys of procreation. Yes, I realized that title would trigger naughty thoughts.

Well, blogs can be fun too.

In fact, putting some personality into your blog really helps. Readers don't want or expect useful information every day. At least I hope they don't. Some of my posts are less helpful than others.

That's fine too.

While a basic level of consistency in blog quality is a worthwhile goal, some days find the posts simply better than others.

Want to know something funny?

Well, at least I think it's funny. It's sort of a secret in blogging, that not many bloggers really consider.

Seriously, they don't think of it.

Some of the posts, that I have thought were weaker than others, turned out to be some of my most popular and linked posts.

It's true. I didn't believe it either.

But there it is.

Some of what I thought were my better posts got somewhat less than zero response.

On the other hand (as baseball blogger Aaron Gleeman would say, "You knew there had to be another hand") some of my weaker posts got mega attention.

That's one of the joys of blogging (sorry, nothing risque there either).

Some posts turn out far differently than we ever imagine. Some catch on, while others fizzle like that cut rate fireworks you bought for the holidays.

That leads me to the greatest joy of blogging. I believe I have unanimous agreement from you on this one.

It's the visitors. The readers who arrive at the blog, whether thre for the first time or the hundredth, they are all a delight.

The comments they leave, and the e-mails they write, get many a blogger out of bed in the morning. Or night as the case may be.

In the end, the true joy of blogging is meeting new and wonderful people. Many of them become your friends, and even business associates.

As Yvonne Divita at Lip-Sticking would say, "What's not to like about that?"
