Blogs to marketing blogs to new friends

Business blogs to marketing blogs.

The owner of a business blog has so many advantages over the competitor who avoids the fun of daily postings.

I know, I know, as a blogger you have the daily fun of dreaming up a topic. Sometimes the subject of your latest post finds you, but as a rule, it's a bit of a challenge creating posting ideas.

The trouble it takes, to find something to write about, is well worth the effort.

Think of the communication factor alone.

Your visitors are possibly your existing customers, for your products and services. Much more likely, however, most of your visitor traffic consists of people who have never heard of you or your business. While we all know, and fully understand the brilliance of your company, most people have not.

As a blogger, you have the opportunity to let people get to know you. If your blog is offering good solid information that genuinely helps people, and you let your personality shine through, you are well on your way to making some online friends.

The great thing about a huge circle of friends is the possibility of referrals. People tell others about the products and services they like, especially if they like you. Women, in particular, are very likely to pass along strong testimonials. They can help your business develop a strong customer or client base, entirely as a result of your blog.

You don't have to sell anyone anything to benefit from blogging, in a more personal way.

I have made many new friends as a direct result of my blogging activities. People whom I would never have made contact with otherwise, have become regular e-mail and phone friends. Over time, I will meet many of them in person.

I'm sure you have had a similar experience, since you first put keyboard to blogging platform.

Even if your regular blog readers never become paying customers, a blog is still a net positive for you.

An ever widening circle of friends and acquaintances is great beyond measure, in and of itself.

Blogs provide the benefit of friendship.

Your competitors can't say that.
