How do you link to other blog posts?

Linking to other blogs and postings.

How do you do it?

When I link to other blog posts, I like to use the double link technique. While it's not essential, and certainly not mandatory, I prefer it.

I believe it's simply extending a courtesy to the blogger.

As we all know (or at least I hope we do), it's necessary to provide a link to the post you are quoting.

You can link to the post in question, either using the permalink, or the trackback feature. I always use the post's permalink, because Blogger has some issues with trackbacks. I hope they remedy that shortcoming soon.

I also provide a link directly to the blog home page as well.

Many people do not believe that it's necessary, or even important to do so. I disagree for a number of reasons.

1. The reader of the linked post gets a quick opportunity to read the entire blog.

2. Reading the rest of the blog might entice the visitor to return, where landing on a single selected post might not.

3. It seems polite to me to acknowledge the blogger, in as many ways as possible,

4. It provides a highlight of the home page and the display of the blogger's outgoing links and blogroll for further exploration.

5. The added link to the blog home page, provides a boost to that blog in the search engines, for the blog's particular theme and topic.

I am always happy to provide some additional support to some of the great blogs available.

One of the ways, in which I give some extra assistance, is through the double link method.

I link to the blog post under discussion.

I link to the blog home page as a courtesy.

It's up to you if you want to borrow that technique.

I have borrowed it from several other bloggers myself.
