Blog posts as acts of necessity

Blog postings are often written more out of a sense of need than of conviction.

Okay, instead of speaking in riddles like some cut rate mystic wannabe, tell us what you mean, Wayne.

Well, if you insist.

I do like to be coaxed once in awhile. Okay, a lot of the while.

Play nice and share your toys!

Many bloggers are faced with those days when they have absolutely nothing about with to post.

You know the days. We all have them, I think.

You check your favourite blogs on the blogroll. You don't especially feel like linking to and commenting on any of them with any sort of conviction.

Nothing interesting happened tha day in your business or personal life, so amusing or educational anecdotes don't fill the bill.

You feel you're left with only two basic options, of which neither one is really appealing.

You can post nothing, or as some would say, the path of least resistance. I would say the path to avoiding unnecessary carpal tunnel, but I am rarely consulted on medical issues, and with very good reason too I might add.

The altertive choice is to write some questionable quality post off the top of your head. Well...out of your fingertips anyway, for the more literal folks in our midst.

In fact, there is a third way. Well, you did suspect some discount store homilies passing as sagacity didn't you?

You can turn that lack of topic, or limited number of ideas, into a post all by themselves.

You can discuss the difficulties, faced by countless bloggers, as that blank computer screen stares back into their eyes.

The idea that one needs to write for the readership, is contrasted with the desire and even the preference to write for oneself.

Instead of succumbing to the temptation to write, just to have a post up there on the screen for pinging purposes, write something for yourself.

And only for yourself.

If someone who regularly drops by your blog reads it, well, fine.

Should no one surf on over, then that is alright too.

Take a day and write something you want to say just for you.

It's your blog.

Write your own thoughts and feelings, even if they are only just a series of stream of consciousness ramblings.

It might even be good for the soul.
