Google is in a state of flux

Have you noticed a drop in your visitor traffic from the dominant search engine Google?

While many of you don't keep track of every little burp and hiccup that Google emits, many bloggers are concerned.

I am not worried, myself.

I have also told my search engine optimization clients to not be concerned about the current Google Christmas flux.

In case you didn't know, every year just in time for the holiday gift buying season, Google's search results for many major keyword searches, takes a wild swin in all directions.

I didn't notice it personally, and my clients' search results were stable as well.

The policy I recommend of constantly adding strong keyword rich theme relevant content is the best long term policy. Search engines, including Google, Yahoo, and MSN Search, are concerned with delivery of good content. Blogs and traditional websites that keep adding fresh relevant content will usually weather any storms.

There will be exceptions, but overall in the mid to longer term, good content will prevail.

Not only do search engines reward good content, they value incoming links from theme related blogs and sites very highly.

Good content attracts those all important (especially to link obsessed Google) very well, and very often.

My most important keywords saw little movement from their normally strong positions.

I like it that way.

You should too, and as bloggers, any slight drops you experience will soon be restored.

Don't tear out your hair over a few Google hiccups.

Think content and links, and over the long term, your site will always do very well indeed.
