Blogger gifts of Christmas spirit

Christmas and blogging are not usually thought of in the same sentence.

Well, maybe they are sort of related once a year, anyway.

With Christmas and other holiday greetings arriving at this time of year, countless bloggers will be using Christmas as a blog about topic.

It's already part of Darren Rowse of Living Room and ProBlogger's revival of his Blogger Idol series.

This blog post is an entry into that cornucopia of interesting, and highly eclectic group of blogs.

Good thing it's not a competition, or I would be sunk, considering the high quality of many of the participating bloggers!

For a more complete discussion about the Blogger Idol series, Darren Rowse has a complete explanation at Pro Blogger.

The topic is "All I Want For Christmas".

I'm guessing Darren was hoping for more than the proverbial two front teeth.

Blogger Idol entries are highlighted on the participating blogs with this funky logo:


It's also Blog Business World's first ever appearance as well, despite my having discussed the initial Blogger Idol series many moons ago.

Of course, needing a topic brought about visions of dancing sugar plums and frolicking snow people, powered by something suspiciously like virtual reality technology hidden in top hats.

Well, maybe not.

I like to think that bloggers want Christmas gifts too.

For those wanting more visitor traffic, let's drop a few new links from heavily visited blogs in their stockings.

Thinking of the bloggers who sell items from their blogs, may their affiliate cheques runneth over.

We'll trim and decorate the tree for those bloggers seeking a new design for the New Year. After all, what's a calendar change without a switch of the old blog's clothes!

Any bloggers who sell professional services from their blogs should have all sorts of new and high paying clients slide down their virtual chimneys. That includes bloggers who offer freelance writing, search engine optimization, publishing, advice and consulting of all varieties, and those who just need a few bucks from doing odd jobs.

May those bloggers seeking full time gainful employment find the career of their dreams, complete with corner office, a handy parking space, and surprisingly full pay envelope.

Writers who blog should only receive rave reviews of their latest publication, and sales far beyond their wildest imagination.

Of course, for the sports bloggers out there, your favourite team will win the league title. Right?

Bloggers at a loss for topic ideas shall be granted unlimited posting thoughts, to the point of having a post buildup prior to blogging them all. The post buildup is not to be confused with any waxy buildup on floors or furniture.

Those bloggers who write of personal issues, illnesses and other heartbreaks and sorrows of life, may they find peace, tranquility, and the courage to continue their battles with life's challenges.

For all bloggers everywhere, all the joy and happiness of the holiday season, with friends and family.

Oh, and a gift to yourself.

Skip a day of blogging, and stay in bed where it's warm and cozy.

