Blogging as a business: Preaching to the choir

Blogging as a business, in and of itself, is something near and dear to my heart.

I admit to being a completely unabashed supporter, nay evangelist, of blogging.

Posting about developing business blogs, and starting your own business with the blog as its basis, is almost second nature to me now.

It is for many of you as well.

We all know and understand the power of blogs. We know that adding a blog component to a business website, is the express train to success, in your entrepreneurial venture.

I encourage everyone that I can find, to listen to my empassioned entreaties, to start their own business.

As the wise David St. Lawrence has stated so eloquently on his wonderful Ripples blog, we can't expect to remain in our current careers for long.

Like many people who have studied the various pension structures, both publicly and privately funded, David is convinced that waiting for a pension and a gold watch is not the most prudent course of action.

Pension payout possibilities in the future appear a bit like a trip to some bet your rent and food money casino. You may find a winning hand; or conversely a bad roll of the dice might turn up snake eyes.

Do you really want to take that risk with your life? Or with the life of your family?

Instead of waiting for others to take care of your life, and your family's future, I consider self employment to be a safer course of action.

Doubters will point out that many business startups fail. That is true, but you do have ideas and the possibility of many different potential business opportunities on your side.

When the alternative is possible unemployment and limited pension payouts, I would prefer to take my chances on starting a business.

At least with taking the entrepreneurship path, the chance of success is in your own hands. That is a powerful motive, if there ever was one!

Of course, by considering a blog as the fast track to making your new business venture a success, I am preaching to the already converted. The cliche is preaching to the choir.

I don't mind being a cliche if it helps other people achieve success in their personal and business lives.

There are business opportunities in spreading the word of blogs, with the zeal of a missionary, to business and professional people everywhere.

Did I just hand you a business idea there?

I hope so!

After the dust settles, and your new business success complete with its resident business blog takes off, what is in it for me, you ask.

Well, if it's monetary, I expect to earn a living from blogging and helping others with blogging. I also expect to earn a living from search engine optimization and helping businesses increase their visibility on the internet search engines.

That said, I don't expect to receive any financial return from 99.99% of my readership.

What makes me want to help others then?

I simply like to help.

I want other people to become successful, and to reach their full potential, as both business people and as human beings.

Let's just say, I like to think of those who I have helped along the way as my friends.

What could be more wonderful and rewarding than that?
