Each week, bloggers are invited to write a post on the week's surprise topic.
This week's topic is "First Dates".

Starting a blog, for the very first time, is very much like a first date.
In many ways, a new blog is even similar to a blind date, as you are never quite certain how your blog will appear.
While every person has true beauty, there is always a slight, okay large amount, of trepidation that your blog won't be the love of your life.
Or even a passable acquaintance.
You simply can't help but feel nervous. Will it go well? Will you spill some virtual pasta all over yourself?
Will you say something so utterly stupid and ridiculous that the date ends almost intantly there after.
I met my first blog in March of 2003. I had been reading sports blogs, written by other people for awhile, and decided I wanted to date one too.
After all, a blog is a like a long term relationship with your readership. Some work out well, while others...well....not so perfectly.
I decided to ask out a roller derby blog, and for the location of my first blogging date, I chose Blogger.
While Blogger is in many ways, and especially in those pre-udated and improved days, the blogging equivalent of a fast food joint, I took the plunge.
I screwed up my courage and leaped into the great blogosphere unknown.
Forgetting the sweaty palms, and the shaky knees, it was time to take action.
I asked out a roller derby blog.
I had no idea what sort of response I would receive. I even expected a few virtual face slaps, despite my most honourable of intentions.
After all, you can never be entirely certain how the most innocent of remarks will be received.
I set up the blog with the prettiest of templates. Like many guys, I asked some ladies for advice. My friends Pam Burke and Heather Burke, were more than happy to make those all important design suggestions.
It felt like selecting just the right shirt to wear.
I set up the blog. That was simple enough.
I wrote a post, somewhat tentatively, uncertain as to whether I was talking to empty cyberspace. Perhaps, like a first date, the other party might even nod a few times before dropping off in boredom.
My first blog received some good early responses.
There was clearly enough interest for a second date, and even a third.
Since then, I have become a very faithful and loving blogger.
My readership has stayed with me, and even grown much larger over time. We now have a very rewarding long term relationship.
My first date...I mean blog...went very well.
Oh...does that make this business blog a virtual mistress?
Well, that's an issue for another day, I think.