Blog traffic lower on the weekends?

Blog traffic is usually lower on the weekends.

Business blogs in particular, see a huge drop in visitor numbers on weekends, as many regular blog readers access the blogs at work.

The problem for many business bloggers is to maintain traffic flows on Saturday and Sunday, so as to not lose momentum in building visitor levels.

Business bloggers want and require a continous increase in readership.

Public relations bloggers need to disseminate the company information and build rapport with the public. If no one reads the message, no matter how personalized, the word remains hidden.

Marketing blogs attempt to build brands, and to create buzz and word of mouth about new products and services. In a similar manner to public relations bloggers, marketing bloggers want to enhance their business's reputution among existing and potential customers and clients.

Technology bloggers, legal bloggers, writing bloggers, and political bloggers face similar weekend traffic challenges.

Some form of traffic builder, or at least some form of weekend visitor retention concept, needs to be implemented.

The visitor traffic can be maintained in many creative and innovative ways.

A contest may require an answer on a Saturday or Sunday quiz or similar device. To win the contest, the reader might have to make a weekend visit. Perhaps the prize could only be claimed on a Saturday or a Sunday.

The weekend blog perusal could be done either live, or via an RSS reader. The point is to maintain, and even add on additional regular readers for your blog.

Another possibility is to run a special weekend only article series. In order to get the regular installment in a timely fashion, a Saturday or Sunday vist would be necessary.

Those bloggers who sell products on their blogs could offer weekend only specials.

Surprise Saturday or Sunday sales, offering additional free bonuses, or substantially reduced weekend prices, could also work for some bloggers.

Of course, these are only a very few, and certainly very limited number of obvious ideas.

The methods and techniques for preventing that usual weekend sag in visitor numbers are limited only by your imagination.

Think of how your blog could add more visitors on Saturday and Sunday.

Those readers could become some of your most loyal blog visitor traffic.

Everybody's working for the weekend, says the song.

Your blog can be working for you on the the weekend too.
