Daily link roundup as a traffic builder

Bloggers are prolific linkers.

In fact, many of the best known and most influential blogs are often built on daily links to various articles and blog posts.

The power of a daily link roundup is the attraction of readers, who can find some interesting links all in one place.

Think of them as a "one stop link shop".

Hmmm...there is a blog title there for someone. Free for the taking!

You don't have to be a major A list blogger (you know the ones, they are the bloggers everyone in the blogging community and outside of it know), to have daily link roundup.

It's important, in my opinion anyway, for new bloggers to not get too dependent upon daily link collections. Mini "carnivals" are more for established bloggers with at least six months of solid posting or more.

That is not to say the link collection de jour doesn't have value for all bloggers, established and new.

It does.

What your link offering of the day does require is more that just a link.

The links can be presented as part of a discussion surrounding the topic, where the link is simply the starting line. The rest of the post fleshes out the concept, complete with your personal opinion on the matter.

In other words, a link to a post on marketing or public relations would be part of a larger post on the linked article.

Another option is to write an independent post, that has nothing to do with the presented links, or surrounds them with a theme post.

For example, a series of links about cats would be accompanied by an independent post about your thoughts on the feline as pet and companion.

A blog that achieves the goal of daily and unusual links, coupled with a related post is Kim's Bacon and Ehs blog. While Kim's topic selection might not always be ideal for family viewing or work safe by any means, the concept is what is important.

The idea is to find some very intriguing links, and surround them with the theme of the day.

As a result, Kim's Bacon and Ehs blog attracts many incoming links and traffic from other blogs. The more readers the better.

Along with the added readership are many more comments by readers than are seen on most blogs. The links and a related question of the day draw comments like a magnet. In that way, Kim has created a mini-community on her Canadian based blog.

For a glimpse at the Bacon and Ehs recipe for attracting new visitors, and keeping them coming back for second helpings, click on over to Bacon and Ehs.

You might find an idea or ten for your own blog.

Note that not all links are work or family safe; unlike the G rating of my business blog.
