Computer update day

I hope I've seen the end of my computer difficulties.

I have been plagues with computer programs, as my old Windows 98 system had been deteriorating. It had rested in this computer since October 1999.

It was time for a change.

It was trade in day.

I spent the day adding a brand new Windows XP program, and it is working great.

I happen to like Microsoft products, and their ease of usage.

While I fully understand that Windows based systems are not for everyone, they work very well for me.

And that's what counts.

If a Mac, or PC, or Micrsoft, or Linux, or any other choices of hardware or software works for you, then stay with it.

For good measure, I am hooking on a new keyboard this week too.

I am hoping that my computational ( you like that word?) problems are now behind me.

Since I earn my living from the internet, in the form of search engine optimization and freelance writing, I need to be online.

And working.

I hope that is the case for the future.

Touch keyboard!
