The computer that came in from the cold

My wayward computer is back in action.

I hope I have solved its myraid of difficulties, not the least of which is the fact that I have less RAM and an undersized hard drive on the old PC.

My Windows 98 needs replacement. There is little doubt about that issue.

I am thinking I will have to load Windows XP as an upgrade from Windows 98.

Thanks to my good friend and website designer Pam Burke, who posted on my behalf, that my daily postings might be missing in action.

Many times, Pam's computer advice and assistance has helped me out of a few difficulties. It's amazing how easily a neutral third party can solve a problem, that is staring someone who is a trifle more involved, square in the face.

On another note.

Pam's daughter Heather Burke is a blogger too.

Heather Burke writes a blog on independent professional wrestling called Pro Wrestling Impact.

By using all of the innovative and proven techniques for marketing her blog that we discuss here, she has a rapidly growing readership.

Heather is another example of a person writing about her area of business expertise.

As a professional wrestling blogger, Heather is now considered an authority on independent wrestlers, and the industry.

She is also widely viewed as a powerful resource, for publicity and for industry information, by the male and female wrestlers themselves.

In effect, Heather's Pro Wrestling Impact is another innovative variation of the business blog.
