Business Blog Awards announced

Business Blog Awards 2005.

While there are probably more than enough blog awards events taking place around the internet, business blogs have not been invited to the party.

In fact, the absence of any mention of business blogs in the awards ceremonies has been a mystery to many.

It certainly has been a puzzle to me.

If anything, it shows how business blogs have burst onto the scene in 2004, catching even the members of the blogging community by surprise.

I have complained and lamented the lack of business blog award recognition in the past.

Well, in not too surprising fashion, uber-creative blogger Jeremy Wright of Ensight, and his business partner Darren Barefoot of have arrived to the rescue.

They have just announced The 2005 Business Blogging Awards brought to you by Inside Blogging.

They even have created their own website, dedicated to the cause.

Can you say red carpet for business bloggers?

Jeremy and Darren are seeking nominations for numerous business blogging categories.

I even offered a couple of category suggestions, just to get in on the festivities.

Hey, after all of my ranting and raving about lack of business blog recognition by other blog awards shows, it's the least I could do for the cause.

Now all you have to do is nominate the best business blogs out there, and let the votes fall where they may.

The awards need sponsors to donate prizes for the winning business blogs.

Recognition for the sponsors will be in the form of links back the sponsors' websites, as well as prominent advertisements on the awards site.

Now, it's time to get those nominations in place for The 2005 Business Blog Awards.

Here’s how the awards will work:

We’re accepting nominations until January 24. Anyone can nominate any blogger in any category

Additionally, feel free to suggest new categories if there’s one you’d like to see

To nominate a blogger, simply place a comment in the nominations thread. Feel free to nominate as many blogs as you’d like (including your own) for as many categories as you’d like

A panel of judges will whittle the nominee list for each category down to a minimum of three and a maximum of six nominees

Voting will open at 12:00pm PST on January 26. You’ll be able to vote once per day per category

Voting will continue until 12:00pm PST on Feburary 9

Winners will be announced on February 10. Winners will be contacted by email

Nominations can be made right at the awards website or via e-mail to:

Blogs can be nominated until January 24, 2005.

Get those nominations sent for your favourite business blogs today.

Business blogs deserve the recognition.
